La canción “Mi Gente” de J Balvin y Willy William ha sido un éxito en todo el mundo. Sin embargo, muchas personas que no hablan español pueden tener dificultades para entender la letra de la canción. A continuación, te mostramos cómo decir las letras de “Mi Gente” en inglés para que puedas disfrutar de la música y entender su significado.
Verse 1
Hola, hola, hola, hola
Un, dos, tres, leggo’
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Go out to the street, the people are already celebrating
The weekend is here and we are going to get hot
With the rhythm that takes over our bodies
The party does not stop, let it not stop
Today we are going to burn it
My people, my people
My people, my people
My people, my people
My people, my people
My people, my people
My people, my people
My people, my people
My people, my people
Verse 2
Hey, hey, hey
I do not wait for the weekend, I want to get hot
But I do not take off my jacket, it’s a little cold
But the fire that I have inside me does not let me freeze
We are going to dance without stopping until dawn
Today we are going to burn it
Move your body without stopping
Move your body without stopping
Kiss me, I’ll give you the key
Come, let’s burn it
My people, my people
My people, my people
My people, my people
My people, my people
My people, my people
My people, my people
My people, my people
My people, my people
Now that you know how to say the lyrics of “Mi Gente” in English, you can sing along and enjoy the catchy rhythm of the song. Remember to always respect the original language and culture of the artist while listening to their music. ¡Disfruta la música!