Cómo decir “Una Palabra” Lyrics en inglés
“Una Palabra” is a beautiful Spanish song that was released in 2005 by an Argentine rock band, “Los Enanitos Verdes”. The song is about a man who is trying to apologize to his loved one and show her how much he loves her. The lyrics are poetic and romantic, and they have captured the hearts of many listeners around the world.
If you are a fan of “Una Palabra”, you may want to know how to say the lyrics in English. In this article, we will guide you through the translation process and show you how to pronounce the words correctly.
Verse 1
The first verse of “Una Palabra” goes like this:
“Si pudiera tenerte,
una vez más,
cerca de mi,
para abrazarte fuerte”
This translates to:
“If I could have you,
one more time,
close to me,
to hold you tight”
To pronounce these words correctly, you need to focus on the vowels and the stress of the syllables. In Spanish, the stress is usually on the second to last syllable, whereas in English, the stress can be on any syllable.
For “Si pudiera tenerte”, you would say “see poo-dyeh-rah teh-ner-teh” in Spanish. In English, it would be “see poo-dee-rah ten-ehr-teh”.
The chorus of “Una Palabra” is the most famous part of the song. It goes like this: