“Parado No Bailão” is a popular Brazilian funk song that has gained international recognition for its catchy rhythm and infectious lyrics. If you’re curious about the meaning of the lyrics and how to say them in English, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll break down the lyrics of “Parado No Bailão” and provide an English translation for each line.
Verse 1:
Eu já tô pronto pro combate
(I’m already ready for the fight)
Vou te dar um tiro de saudade
(I’m gonna shoot you with longing)
Eu já tô pronto pro combate
(I’m already ready for the fight)
Vou te dar um tiro de saudade
(I’m gonna shoot you with longing)
Parado no bailão
(Stopped in the dance floor)
Parado no bailão
(Stopped in the dance floor)
Parado no bailão
(Stopped in the dance floor)
Parado no bailão
(Stopped in the dance floor)
Verse 2:
Vou te dar um tiro de saudade
(I’m gonna shoot you with longing)
Eu já tô pronto pro combate
(I’m already ready for the fight)
Vou te dar um tiro de saudade
(I’m gonna shoot you with longing)
Eu já tô pronto pro combate
(I’m already ready for the fight)
Vou te dar um tiro de saudade
(I’m gonna shoot you with longing)
Eu já tô pronto pro combate
(I’m already ready for the fight)
Vou te dar um tiro de saudade
(I’m gonna shoot you with longing)
Eu já tô pronto pro combate
(I’m already ready for the fight)
Now that you know the lyrics of “Parado No Bailão” and their English translation, you can sing along to this fun and lively song with a better understanding of its meaning. Whether you’re dancing in a club or simply enjoying the music at home, “Parado No Bailão” is sure to get you moving and grooving to its infectious beat. So go ahead, hit play, and let the music transport you to the dance floor!